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Jewels Star Ice

4.4 ( 6464 ratings )
Oyunlar Eğlence Aksiyon Arcade
Geliştirici: jj

“Jewels Star Ice” Is a very simple game, as long as the upper and lower left and right, there are three or more diamonds with the same color, will be eliminated. Chain elimination, will be higher points. Before the ice all the ice will be cleared for clearance. Time will be more and more urgent, as soon as possible to eliminate the ice!

Jewels Star Ice 是一隻非常簡單遊戲,只要上下左右,有三個以上同色的鑽石,便會消除。連鎖消除,會得更高分。在結冰之前 把全部冰塊消除便為過關。時間會越來越緊迫,盡快把冰塊消除!

Jewels Star Ice 是一只非常简单游戏,只要上下左右,有三个以上同色的钻石,便会消除。连锁消除,会得更高分。在结冰之前 把全部冰块消除便为过关。时间会越来越紧迫,尽快把冰块消除!